Monday, November 5, 2018

Before the flood documentary

Thoughts about the documentary

I think that the documentary is a documentary that covers all the important parts of the global warming theme. Something else that is a good side of the documentary is that it convinces people to believe in global warming. I myself believe and I'm almost 100% sure that global warming is a thing, after everything I have heard. The main person in the documentary (Leonardo di Caprio) was an exelent speaker and probably convinced a lot of people to believe that climate change is a thing.

The thing that actually makes me really angry is that there are still some people that refuse to open their eyes for global warming. Even after everything they have heard, they refuse to believe in it for some weird, egoistic reasons. Lets look at Trump for example. He refuses to believe in global warming, in order for him to get enough votes so he can become president. That is so selfish and egoistic to use the health of the earth for his own good. 

You may think what you want, I don't care but I and many other people ask you to do something about climate change. Even the smallest thing would help. Like eat chincken instead of beef. If everyone would do that, most of the problems would be fixed! Something else that is way important, that many people probably dont even think about is throwing trash into the nature! Please dont, everything that gets thrown in the nature will eventually end up in the ocean! And then after many years end up (by water flows) end up in the great island of micro plastic in the north pacific ocean. So next time you buy a gum, and cant manage to spot a trash can in less than five seconds, please dont thow it by purpose into the nature, its just not good. 

Thanks im out.

1 comment:

  1. Good advice at the end there. I can see you feel strongly about the topic. Eat more chicken than beef and dispose of the garbage in the correct places.


No more blogging

I won't be posting no more because I finished English the other year. Bye