Monday, January 21, 2019

Brexit - Britains exit

You probably already heard about brexit, but that does not mean you understand everything about it. I certainly did not before today, so I will try to explain it in the perspective I understand it. 

There is a lot of myths and believes forming in Britain on why it is better to brexit than to stay in the EU. Therefore, people become confused on what is the best. There was a vote on if brexit was going to happen or not, and 51,9% voted in favour. But there was a lot of people that wanted a re-vote because most people wasn't informed well enough about the topic, and voted what others told them was the best. Therefore there was supposed to be a re-vote. The prime minister was allowed to stay in the government, so brexit will most likely happen. 

There is many benefits of being part of the EU, and Britain is afraid of losing them. They think they are stronger by themselves, and arguments like not wanting immigrants play an important rule.

Facts vs fear

There are many people that aren't well informed about the situation in Britain. In addition, myths are being spread to everyone, and makes people fear things that are not true about the brexit. 

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No more blogging

I won't be posting no more because I finished English the other year. Bye